How To Properly Keep Track of Microschool Students

In order to help microschools manage their rosters better, microschool teachers need to implement a proper solution. With so many options available, it can be unclear which route to take.

Setting Up Student Data: What to Consider

Before we get into the different options to manage school data, here are the basic steps for inputting student info that will be required no matter which option you use.

Setting Up

The first thing teachers need to do is set up a roster page where they can enter each student into the database. They must include all information about the student such as name, date of birth, grade (if applicable), physical description (height/weight), and info about their families.

Teachers should also include a photograph of each student for quick identification purposes, as well as any codes they might have. By assigning these codes teachers will be able to keep track of each student’s progress in school. This is very helpful when searching for students to transfer to another class or school, or even when calling up their family members to notify them about students’ lives gained or lost.

Family Members

Teachers should keep track of all family members (parents and siblings) that are allowed on campus. This way they will know who to notify in case of an emergency. Teachers must not forget to keep track of the parents, since microschools are often one of their children’s first interactions with people outside their family unit. Teachers should also note that the parents may be part of the schooling process, so they should also provide information about what they do and how it affects their children’s development.


It is important to note where each student lives at the moment. If students change their home frequently or live in more than one place, it is important that you keep track of both places so you know which address to send any notifications. This is especially helpful if your school operates in multiple locations.

Ways to Manage Student Records in Microschools

There are many places you can keep important student info. However, you need to make sure that wherever you decide to place the info, it is secure. Here are some good options:

#1 Computer

Keeping student records on a computer is generally considered safe, as long as you create an encrypted spreadsheet and store it on the cloud. However, if your computer gets hacked and/or stolen, or if someone hacks into your email account and reads all of your messages (including those where you’ve listed all of the students’ names and classroom numbers) then they could easily break into your computer and access all of this info. If you choose to keep student records on a computer, be sure to use the most secure password possible.

#2 Cloud Storage

Keeping student records in the cloud is another good option. It’s helpful because if you ever need to find students’ information quickly, it will be easily accessible. However, if your internet is down or you aren’t working in an area with stable wifi, you won’t be able to access your files.

#3 Online Spreadsheet

Another option for keeping track of students is to create a Google spreadsheet and share it with other teachers. However, this option isn’t very secure. Anyone who has the link to the spreadsheet will be able to access it, even if they aren’t a teacher or don’t work at your school! If you want to make sure that students’ names and information are safe from prying eyes, then this option is not for you.

#4 Pen and Paper

Keeping students’ names and info on a physical sheet of paper is not too secure, especially if it’s in your pocket or an unlocked drawer in your desk. If someone wants to access the information they can probably find a way to do so by either stealing your sheet of paper or by just walking into your classroom while you’re teaching. Additionally, it can be hard to sort student records in alphabetical order and in other ways, which makes the whole student record management process messy. We highly recommend choosing the next option instead.

#5 School Management System

The best option is to have a school management system that is secure and customizable. These systems often have options for teachers to create groups, form private chat rooms with students’ parents, generate reports of student behavior and progress, collect enrollment fees from parents automatically through the school website, etc. This type of system also makes it easy for teachers to upload students’ information into the system, keep track of who is teaching which lessons, easily share files that are related to each student’s progress, and much more. Many school management solutions come at a low-cost for teachers and school administrators.

In order to maintain a safe environment for all of your students, it is important to properly keep track of every student. As students advance in age and gain knowledge on different life skills, it can be difficult at times to remember their names and backgrounds. Often, teachers will save time by creating a roster list of students. Roster lists can be sorted alphabetically or by grade level and should contain student names, the number of lessons taught, ages, phone numbers and addresses. The most important part is that the information is securely stored.

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