How to Address Common Micro School Issues

Micro schools are becoming increasingly popular. Many parents are choosing this method of education but tend to run into issues when they find themselves in need of school supplies, counseling services, or transfer procedures...

Fundraising Ideas for Micro-schools

In a time when schools are being asked to do more with less, the micro-school is one educational model that has been growing in popularity. Microschools have gained wide recognition for their ability to...

How Do Grades Work in Microschools?

Grades are something that all educators, especially in the U.S., have to think about when teaching students. Since microschools are meant to be educational spaces mimicking traditional school settings, there are some factors you...

How Do Microschools Conduct Admissions Processes?

The National Home School Research Institute’s article on Microschools states that there are hundreds of microschools in America today. There have been a few case studies on microschooling, but no one has yet to...

The State of Microschools in 2021

Today, in 2021, the state of microschools is much different than it was in earlier years. Some have evolved, some have maintained their original concepts and philosophy, and others have abandoned them altogether. But...

How to Find a Microschool Near You

If you are a parent looking to enroll your child in a microschool nearby, there are plenty of ways to find these microschools. Let us go over some of the easiest and best ways...

Can I Start My Own Microschool?

“Can I start a microschool?” If you have asked yourself this question in the past, but did not get an answer to it, this one’s for you. With the changing school environment due to...